Summer Date Night

Allen and I had a date night planned last night that ended up being a unique experience. Our dinner-and-a-movie date turned into an outdoor movie on the lawn of the Missouri state capitol!


We headed down to Jefferson City last night for an outdoor showing of “Shrek” outside the capitol. There were a lot of people there and tons of kids (obviously) but it was really fun to spread out a blanket and see a movie outside.

screenOur view of the capitol building from the ground was pretty spectacular:

capitol1We hung out with Thomas Jefferson all night:

TJWe got to Jeff City around 8:15 p.m. and the movie was supposed to start around 8:45. It didn’t get rolling until a little after 9, but we had fun people-watching. All of the kids were going crazy, having a ton of fun running up and down the stairs, and it was really fun to watch.

usFor snacks, we brought along some popcorn, because what’s a movie without it? I made this gooey M&M’s and almond popcorn from The Kitchn. It was REALLY good:

popcorn1And I also packed some butter and nutritional yeast popcorn, my new obsession. So good!

popcorn2All in all it was a relaxing and fun night. There’s nothing like spending a summer night outside!

One thought on “Summer Date Night

  1. Fun! I love that places are doing this outdoor-movie thing! This weekend, they had one of their “Music and movie” nights on the lawn of Art Hill. The music was Old-tyme fiddling and guitar music by Ryan Spearman and his band (son of a close friend of mine), and then the movie was West Side Story. I wish I had gone! What a beeeeeautiful night you had for your fun in Jeff City! (Elliot’s band has played 4th of July there in front of the capitol several times.)

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